
Raytracing labyrinth game in C

Are you ready to explore a unique 3D labyrinth?cub3d is a 3D raycasting game that lets you create your own labyrinth and explore.

Configuration File

The configuration file is a text file that allows players to modify game settings. It is located in the game's folder and can be opened with a text editor.

You don't need to recompile the project every time you change the configuration file

Compilation and Execution

To compile the game, open a terminal and navigate to the game's directory. Then, run the make command. Then run ./Cub3d [directory of the .cub file]

That's all I have to say ahah


Simple tour of the labyrinth with spaceship textures and diamond sprite

This is the map.cub file in map directory


3D raycasting labyrinth
