Rasaboun Connect

Sncf-connect Clone

Find the best way to get from one point to anotherin Île-de-France with this route planning tool. It takes into account public transportation, and walking ! He takes into account real-time traffic conditions to offer you optimized routes.


Address autocomplete can help users quickly and easily find departure and arrival addresses, which can be helpful for users who are not familiar with the area.

Type the start of your address and we will offer you the most relevant full addresses

Itinerary list

The itinerary list shows you all possible routes between two points. You can filter routes by mode of transport, duration, distance.

Compare different routes to find the best one for you

Itinerary detail

Get detailed information on your itinerary, including an step-by-step instructions and delays.

Follow step-by-step instructions


Sncf-Connect Clone
